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Frequently Asked Questions – Property and Contingency

What Property and Contingency self-service options are available online?

Pay, quote and buy some of our products and services, report a claim and set your damaged vehicle inspection completely online through our mobile app MIS SEGUROS and webpage https://www.mapfre.pr/en/.

You may also obtain Certificates of Coverage and Payment Letters.

Managing your policies is easy when you register on our Insured Portal.

Select the following link for our self-service options Self-service.

What are the service hours?

MAPFRE Contact Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can reach us at 787-250-5214 (metro area) and 1-888-835-3634 (toll free) or email us MAPFRE_INFO_GENERAL@mapfrepr.com.

Our main office and branches` hours are Monday through Friday from 8:15 am until 4:45 pm, call us at 787-250-6500 or visit us.

For branches locations click here.

How and where can I get and request information?

You may go through the rest of our Frequently Asked Questions and our webpage for information on products and services offered for you and your business. To buy an insurance policy you may quote through our self-service options here, call our or visit our nearest branch office, call Televentas at 787-250-5215, or contact your authorized representative or producer.

What claims can be reported online?

Obtain a claim number when reporting a loss to a Compulsory Liability Insurance, Private Auto, Commercial Auto, Multiplan and Dwelling policies. You may also notify losses of other business lines under the Other Products icon. You will receive a confirmation number and a Service Representative will contact and provide you with a claim number.

Click on the following link to report a claim: claim

What products can I quote online and what information must be provided?

Quote these products online, here is the information you need you to provide:

  • Private Auto, Liability, Road Assistance, and Extended Warranty – vehicle’s make, model, and year. For extended warranties, mileage and date of original registration on the vehicle’s license.
  • Segurviaje (travel)– Departure and return travel dates, name and date of birth of passengers.
  • Dwelling – Physical address of the property, construction type, occupancy and property value.

Get a quote here, call the nearest branch office or call Televentas at 787-250-5215.

How can I make changes to my policy?
Request the changes calling MAPFRE Contact Center at 787-250-5214 (metro area) and 1-888-835-3634 (toll free) or via fax at 787-772-8409. You may visit one of our branch offices located throughout the island. You can also do it through your authorized representative, producer or general agency. For the change to be effective you must receive a confirmation from MAPFRE to your postal address or via email.  If the change leads to additional premium it must be paid to enter into force.

How can I update my contact information?

Once you become a registered customer on our Insured Portal through our mobile app MIS SEGUROS or our webpage https://www.mapfre.pr/en/ you may automatically change your mailing address, mobile phone number and email on your user account.

Each of your policies has a registered address for all communications, policy copy, renewals, notifications, invoices, etc. If you want to check the address on any of your policies you must select each one individually under View my Policies, Active Contracts. Once a policy is selected you are able to see the current address. Go to Online Services and Change Postal Address. Enter the new address and confirm. Form that moment on all written communication for the policy will be sent to the new address.

You may also call MAPFRE Contact Center at 787-250-5214(metro area) and 1-888-835-3634 (toll free) and a Service Representative will assist you.

How can I get a copy of my policy?

Register on our insured Portal through our mobile app MIS SEGUROS or webpage https://www.mapfre.pr/en/  and you can check your policies insured risks, coverages and limits.  For a copy call MAPFRE Contact Center 787-250-5214(metro area) and 1-888-835-3634 (toll free), via fax at 787-772-8409, visit one of our offices conveniently located around the island or directly with your authorized representative, producer, or general agency.

How can I consult my policy?

Register on our Insured Portal through our mobile app MIS SEGUROS or webpage https://www.mapfre.pr/en/  and you will have immediate access to your policy’s information, effectiveness, endorsements, claims, etc. You may call MAPFRE Contact Center at 787-250-5214(metro area) and 1-888-835-3634 (toll free) 24 hours, 7 days a week and a Service Representative will assist you.

What does travel insurance cover?

The travel insurance protects the policyholder for incidents that occur during a trip. These incidents range from trip cancellation, loss of luggage, to emergency medical assistance and transport.

What period is covered by travel insurance?

The travel insurance shall be valid on the day the policyholder boards the transport on which he/she is travelling and ends with the expiry of the contracted trip.

What is flood insurance?
Flood insurance protects against damages caused by flooding as a result of the overflow of bodies of water, storm surges, mudslides, among others.
Are flood damage included in the home insurance?
Damages caused by floods are excluded in most homeowner and business policies.
What are the advantages of contracting flood Insurance with MAPFRE?

Taking out your flood insurance policy with MAPFRE has the following advantages: 

  • Access to a phone service in Puerto Rico that is specialized in assisting your needs and claims. Available 24/7.
  • A large number of offices throughout Puerto Rico to process your needs and claims in person.
  • Mis Seguros mobile app you can have all the services you need at your fingertips.
  • Benefits of the structure’s property coverage.
  • Benefits of the emergency assistance for fixed plumbing.

Property and Contingency Services for my Business

Check the services related to Property and Contingency insurance for business offered by MAPFRE PUERTO RICO.

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