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Emergency Medical Assistance for Travelers


Whether you travel on business or leisure, Med Assist will be there…

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Emergency Assistance Benefit to the International Traveler

MedAssist is an added value to your basic health plan coverage. If you travel on business or leisure, MedAssist will be there to assist you when you need it most. It has a comprehensive network of suppliers, with personalized service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The benefit of our International Emergency Assistance Plan, MedAssist, gives the traveler the security of emergency medical treatment anywhere in the world.

If you or a member of your family needs emergency assistance, you should contact the MedAssist call center immediately or within the first 48 hours of the emergency.

Our toll free telephone is 1-866-285-7297 or 787-250-5384.

Additional Benefits include:

  • Emergency Medical Evaluation (fully covered).
  • Facilitation of admissions and hospital discharge planning.
  • Medical expenses (no deductible):
    • Maximum of $6,000 in the United States.
    • Maximum of $10,000 internationally.
  • Translator assistance.
  • Drug delivery anywhere in the world.
  • Accommodating and missed flights:
    • Tracking of lost luggage and replacement of personal items (maximum $500).
  • Repatriation in the event of injury or illness:
    • We will reimburse up to $6,000 for necessary expenses related to the preparation and transportation of the body of the deceased insured to his place of residence.

Health Insurance for my Business

Find the Health Insurances that MAPFRE PUERTO RICO offers for business.

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