

Covers direct damages caused to the main structure by fire or lightning, hurricane, vandalism, and earthquake.​

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  • Property and Contingency

MAPFRE can offer you a large variety of insurance policies according to your needs. We care about offering the maximum protection for your home or business against losses caused by fire, explosion, vandalism, theft, hurricane, earthquake, etc. This is why we offer a range of products that can improve the quality of your life and make you feel more secure in any eventuality. Get your dwelling insurance quote now!

  • Dwelling

In its basic coverage, this policy will provide protection against direct damage to your property, caused by fire, hurricane, or earthquake. We also have broader modalities available, depending on your needs, which you can combine and make your “Personal Multiplan”.

Property and Contingency Services for my Personal Insurance

Check the services related to Property and Contingency insurance offered by MAPFRE PUERTO RICO.

Seguro de Auto

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