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Homeowners Insurance


This policy offers broad protection to your property, including the main structure, separate structures, and personal property.

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This policy offers you broad protection against direct damages to your property, including the main structure, structures separated from the main structure, and personal property. It also covers additional expenses incurred in the rental of a dwelling in those cases in which the property becomes uninhabitable and you need temporary accommodations.

The Homeowners insurance also includes a Public Liability section that covers personal civil liability, reimbursement of medical expenses to third parties due to accidents for which you turn out to be legally liable, and damages to property belonging to others that may occur in your home and during personal activities.

There are four categories, according to the type of risk and coverage required by the policyholder:

  • HO2: Broad.
  • HO3: Special.
  • HO4: Tenants.
  • HO6: Owners of condominium units.

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