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New call for Ignacio H. de Larramendi and Primitivo de Vega research grants

Fundación MAPFRE is financing 11 research projects for total of 330,000 euros

The application period for these grants will be open until October

Fundación MAPFRE has made a new call for applications for scholarships and grants for a total amount of 330,000 Euros, open to academic and professional researchers and research teams that wish to develop research programs independently or within the scope of the universities, hospitals, companies or research centers that they belong to.

This call for 10 Ignacio Hernando de Larramendi research grants will provide financial support for research projects in the areas of Health Promotion, and Insurance and Social Protection.

The scope of this call is worldwide and projects may be presented in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The maximum endowment for each grant will depend on the research field chosen: Health promotion, 48,000 Euros; Insurance and social protection, 15,000 Euros

The deadline for submitting applications ends on October 13, 2017.

The first call for applications for research grants took place in 1979 and since then Fundación MAPFRE has awarded more than 2,000 grants of this type.
The Primitivo de Vega Research Grant, for 15,000 Euros, is aimed at providing financial support for a scientific project focusing on care for the elderly.

The deadline for submitting applications ends on October 20, 2017.

These research grants were created as a tribute to Ignacio Hernando de Larramendi, the most senior person responsible for MAPFRE from 1955 to 1990, the first Chairman of Fundación MAPFRE and the main driving force behind the MAPFRE System, and to Primitivo de Vega, Chairman of MAPFRE ASISTENCIA and MAPFRE QUAVITAE, who devoted a large part of his professional activity during his final years to the area of care for the elderly.