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Fundación MAPFRE promotes the Emotion project

  • Fundación MAPFRE promotes the EMOTION project, a charitable initiative for people to make micro-donations, starting from 5 euros, to the cause with which they feel most identified.
  • The donations have a TRIPLE GUARANTEE: The Foundation donates the management costs for the projects to which 100 percent of the amount raised is allocated, it will audit the allocation of these contributions and guarantees compliance regardless of the amount collected.
  • With many small sacrifices you can feel the emotion of having contributed to improving the quality of life of those most in need.
  • On the Foundation’s website you’ll find details of these two projects.

Fundación MAPFRE has set up the EMOTION project, an initiative which aims to promote solidarity between people, and to facilitate their social contribution by means of micro-donations to projects which have a common denominator, improving the quality of life of those who are most vulnerable.

Following a simple process, managed through the Fundación MAPFRE website, you can make contributions to the two social projects chosen for the launch of this initiative:

  • Guarantee 72,600 meals for children in need. Santa Fe Soup Kitchen, located in Mexico City, where contributions ensure that a total of 330 children in this ghetto near the country’s capital will be fed for a whole year. With donations to this project, which aims to collect 60,000 euros, the Foundation wishes to reach the objective of serving 72,600 meals to children up to 16 years old and breastfed babies from 4 months onward, as well as guaranteeing food for expectant mothers.
  • Child restraint seats for children suffering from what is known as “brittle bone disease”. The second project, which requires 50,000 euros, is a totally pioneering initiative. The Foundation wants the company to collaborate in the manufacture of the first prototype child retention seat for children suffering from Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). This retention system, currently non-existent, would enable children suffering from this disease, better known as brittle bone disease, to travel safely when they need to go anywhere by car.

Donations with a TRIPLE GUARANTEE:

  1. Fundación MAPFRE, a company with over 40 years experience, guarantees the completion of both projects regardless of the amount collected, that is, it will contribute the amount still required for their completion.
  2. The donor is guaranteed that 100 percent of the amount donated will be attributed to the beneficiaries, with the Foundation assuming the usual structural and management costs for the projects.
  3. It will certify what this money is used for: The social projects will be audited, so anyone will be able to check that the contributions have been fully assigned to the cause.

“The EMOTION project was not only conceived for undertaking social projects by means of small donations, but also for enabling thousands of people to enjoy the satisfaction of having contributed to improving living conditions for those people who are most vulnerable”, Julio Domingo Souto, General Manager of Fundación MAPFRE, points out.

Go to www.fundacionmapfre.org and see how the Colonia de Santa Fe Soup Kitchen works, where more than 400 people are currently receiving daily meals and medical attention thanks to Fundación MAPFRE, and the testimonials of Paula and Lucía, 7 and 8 years old respectively, two girls with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a disease which weakens bones and leads to them breaking easily.