More than 6.5 tons of food, donations of more than 800 liters of blood, 130 hours of aid work in the wake of natural disasters and around 60,000 euros for social projects are some examples of the achievements of MAPFRE’s volunteering activities in the first 9 months of this year.
More than 1,000 activities have taken place up to September, an increase of 33% on the same period last year, when 4,700 MAPFRE volunteers in 27 countries took part. The initiatives have directly helped 67,600 people — 30% more than last year — and indirectly assisted over 1.5 million people at risk of social exclusion.
This year, the company celebrated the 2nd MAPFRE Volunteer Day under the slogan “All together for the environment!”. Around 1,600 employees and their families took part, collecting more than 35 tons of rubbish and planting more than 1,700 trees, among other activities.
The MAPFRE Corporate Volunteering program is carried out through Fundación MAPFRE’s Volunteer Program. Volunteering is aligned with the Group’s strategy and one of MAPFRE’s main challenges is to become a global benchmark in corporate solidarity.
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