Home 5 About us 5 News 5 Fundación MAPFRE will donate 90,000 euros to the victims of Ecuador

Fundación MAPFRE will donate 90,000 euros to the victims of Ecuador

  • We are working with the Embassy of Ecuador for the immediate dispatch of two water treatment plants and the trip to the specialized fire department will be financed.
  • MAPFRE volunteers in Ecuador are managing the collection of basic necessities to allocate to those affected.

Fundación MAPFRE is developing an intense aid campaign for those affected by the earthquake in Ecuador. On the same Monday, it launched a micro-donation campaign through its website that, so far, has raised about 14,000 euros so that citizens can channel their solidarity with the Ecuadorian people. The objective is to reach a total figure of 120,000 euros, of which Fundación MAPFRE will directly donate 90,000 euros.

Additionally, the Foundation works in collaboration with the Embassy of Ecuador in Spain and the Fire Department of Guayaquil to coordinate and finance the immediate dispatch of two water treatment plants, and the incorporation of four Spanish volunteer firefighters belonging to the Association Firefighters in Action, specialized in these types of catastrophes.

In Ecuador, MAPFRE volunteers collaborate in Guayaquil in the “Where you are can help” campaign of Emergency Assistance, an initiative to collect basic necessities to meet the needs of the victims. Thanks to this initiative, food and medicine are being collected and sent to the affected areas.

Donations can be made at: https://www.fundacionmapfre.org/fundacion/es_es/accion-social/microdonativos/elige-tuproyecto/ayuda-ecuador/