News | Página 8
Fundación MAPFRE awards a Mexican company that helps children with cancer with 30,000 euros
The NGO Campeones de la vida NR AC (Nariz Roja) has been awarded winner of the First Call for International Projects from Formando Comunidad, which has had great participation level in its first edition
Fundación MAPFRE promotes the Emotion project
What is your challenge: to feed 330 children in Mexico for a whole year, or to contribute to improving the lives of children like Paula and Lucía, who are suffering from what is known as “brittle bone disease”?
Her Majesty Queen Sofía, honored for her social commitment, generosity and a lifetime at the service of Spain
Fundación MAPFRE has announced its 2015 Awards.
More than 541,700 people in 21 countries benefit from the MAPFRE Corparate Volunteering program
The MAPFRE Corporate Volunteering Program, organized by the Fundación MAPFRE VOLUNTEER Program, finished 2015 with a total of 541,708 direct beneficiaries from the different acts of solidarity undertaken by volunteers in 21 countries in America, Asia and Spain.
Fundación MAPFRE presents its awards for 2015 in Madrid, with 150,000 euros in prize money
Fundación MAPFRE held today, Monday, June 6, in Madrid, its Awards 2015 ceremony, which is international in scope and disburses a total of 150,000 euros.