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Home 5 About us 5 News 5 Fundación MAPFRE presents its awards for 2015 in Madrid, with 150,000 euros in prize money

Fundación MAPFRE presents its awards for 2015 in Madrid, with 150,000 euros in prize money

Fundación MAPFRE held today, Monday, June 6, in Madrid, its Awards 2015 ceremony, which is international in scope and disburses a total of 150,000 euros.
The prize-giving was attended by Mr. Íñigo Méndez de Vigo y Montojo, Minister for Education, Culture and Sport. Antonio Huertas, President of Fundación MAPFRE, participated in the event and highlighted that the awards “publicly acknowledge the effort, commitment and dedication of companies or institutions, often silently, for the benefit of the community”.
The President of Fundación MAPFRE presented the Lifetime Achievement Award (José Manuel Martínez Martínez) to Her Royal Highness Queen Sofia in Madrid in recognition of her “significant personal merits and exemplary activity at the service of the Spanish people”. During the ceremony, he highlighted that “the list of merits of Her Majesty is virtually endless” and that “the whole of society appreciates the work she has been doing for more than 50 years in defense of the underprivileged, and especially children”.
Fundación MAPFRE also recognized at this event, which received more than 500 nominations from around the world, the merits of Action Against Hunger, an organization created 20 years ago, which received the award for Best Health Promotion Initiative for its Anemia No: Fighting Anemia in Central Sierra, Peru project, which has eradicated this disease in 8,000 Peruvian children.
In his acceptance speech, José Luis Leal, President of the association, who received the award from Queen Sofia, stressed that, thanks to this work, “the prevention of anemia is now on the national and provincial health agenda. The training materials that were prepared are being used by more than 4,800 healthcare professionals, and the project has become a benchmark for other actions implemented in Peru”.
The Best Social Action Initiative award, which particularly values working with disadvantaged groups who most need individuals or institutions to undertake this work, went to the Foundation for the Social Promotion of Culture on this occasion. This entity is currently the only Spanish NGO in the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan, which is home to approximately 80,000 people, 15 percent of whom suffer some sort of disability.
Thanks to the Protection and Humanitarian Assistance for Syrian Refugees program, this organization has rehabilitated more than 2,000 people with disabilities, especially children with cerebral palsy.
In her acceptance speech, Jumana Trad, President of this foundation, dedicated her speech to Marwan, “an 8-year-old boy with diplegic cerebral palsy and one of the many children who receive rehabilitation, physiotherapy, crutches or wheelchairs at our clinic”, and emphasized that “it’s still possible to intervene to help this potentially lost generation face the great challenges it is confronted with in rebuilding its future”.
Road traffic collision victims were also recognized at these awards, where the important work of the Luxembourg-based European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) was honored. This organization received the award for Best Accident Prevention and Road Safety Initiative, for a project that aims to focus not only on road fatalities, of which there are approximately 1.24 million a year, but also on those people who are seriously injured after an accident, and in many cases must learn to live with a disability.
Jeannot Mersch, President of this entity, thanked Fundación MAPFRE for the award on what was a very special day for him and his family: the birthday of his daughter Sandy, who was knocked down and killed 23 years ago by the driver of a van as she was crossing a road, at a pedestrian crossing, to catch the school bus. She was just 13 years old at the time.
The International Insurance Award (Julio Castelo Matrán), which recognizes innovation in the insurance field and promotion of an industry that contributes to the development of society, was presented to the Ohio Insurance Institute, OII, (USA).
OII is a trade association that brings together more than 40 international insurance and reinsurance companies, and was recognized for its launch of the website, which since 2012 has been publishing all the professional opportunities offered by the Ohio insurance industry and promoting employment in the insurance field, mainly among students, military veterans and professionals looking for a change in career direction.
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