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Home 5 About us 5 News 5 More than 541,700 people in 21 countries benefit from the MAPFRE Corparate Volunteering program

More than 541,700 people in 21 countries benefit from the MAPFRE Corparate Volunteering program

  • In 2015, 4,403 volunteers took part in one of the 766 acts of solidarity promoted by the program aimed at helping those most in need and vulnerable in society.
  • The number of volunteers for the program increased by 79 percent over the previous year and the number of activities by 49 percent.
  • One of the main challenges facing this program over the next few years is to expand this model to more countries.

The MAPFRE Corporate Volunteering Program, organized by the Fundación MAPFRE VOLUNTEER Program, finished 2015 with a total of 541,708 direct beneficiaries from the different acts of solidarity undertaken by volunteers in 21 countries in America, Asia and Spain.
2015 saw the registration of 94,000 participations in the 766 activities undertaken by the program’s more than 4,400 volunteers. Of particular note is the 79 percent increase in the number of volunteers over the previous year and the 49 percent increase in the number of activities.

“For MAPFRE volunteering is not just a complementary activity, but an essential program in line with the MAPFRE Group strategy for complying with our objective of improving people’s quality of life”, highlights Antonio Huertas, Chairman and CEO of MAPFRE, who assures us that “the volunteers are agents for social transformation in their immediate environment”.

In 2015, volunteers for this program dedicated more than 11,595 hours to actions relating mainly to four areas: nutrition, health, education and assistance in emergencies, thus strengthening the commitment to individual responsibility by those who are an integral part of the communities in which they are present.
Special mention should go to the participation in the Fundación MAPFRE Solidarity Month, an initiative undertaken simultaneously in 18 countries and whose activities this year revolved around the Objective Zero Accidents Program which has the ambitious objective of reducing accident fatalities to zero. This initiative rose awareness among 51,000 people the importance of using child restraint systems and respecting traffic regulations and speed limits to prevent traffic accidents. This was achieved through a variety of awareness-raising and training activities.
And participation in the Business Charity Day where MAPFRE provided the most volunteers.

The most important projects undertaken in recent months are those where volunteers have collaborated in, inter alia, community nutrition projects, donation campaigns, psycho-social support for people in difficult situations, financial education, fun runs, help with school work, building of homes, training for employment, fire prevention and road safety, prevention of harassment on social media.

In Spain, the activities with the greatest participation and highest number of beneficiaries were the Charity Market, held in Madrid and which raised 34,000 Euros in a single weekend; “Alimentos con Corazón”, a campaign to collect food, held in 28 Spanish cities, which collected 13,000 kilos of food products; “Dibujando Sonrisas” (Drawing Smiles), psychosocial support workshops in hospitals and shelters; and “El Corazón de MAPI” (MAPI’s Heart), aimed at young children and which uses magic workshopsto promote such values as solidarity.