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Aircraft Insurance


Protection limits for aircraft up to $10,000,000, combined in property and Public Liability.

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With technical support from MAPFRE Global Risk, MAPFRE PRAICO began underwriting aircraft in late 2010. We offer coverage against any loss or damages suffered by personally owned aircraft or aircraft under the custody of the policyholder; as well as the obligations for which the policyholder is found liable to third parties while conducting an activity with the aircraft.

Among the basic coverages offered are hull insurance and civil liability insurance.

  • Hull coverage provides coverage for losses or physical damages suffered by the aircraft.
  • Public Liability coverage guarantees compensation that may be enforceable against the policyholder for damages and/or injury to third persons and derived from the policyholder’s activity. It is divided into three categories:
  • Liability derived from the airlines’ operations – These are normally the object of a transportation contract, that is, liability with respect to passengers, baggage, cargo, and/or mail transported on the airplane.
  • Liability for damages caused to property or passengers outside the aircraft itself.
  • Medical Expenses.

The policies offered by MAPFRE have a number of general and particular conditions that state the covers and benefits provided to the insured.

  • The general and particular conditions of the Aircraft insurance indicate which are the covers related with damages or losses suffered by aircraft owned or under the custody of the insured.
  • The policy covers damages and costs arising from civil liability up to $10,000,000, as set out in the general conditions of the policy and taking into account its requirements and restrictions.
  • It also includes several additional advantages in the costs for loss of baggage, cargo or mail carried on the plane coverage, as well as the costs of necessary medical expenses in case of an accident.

    The policies offered by MAPFRE include several requirements and restrictions that the customer must know in order to keep in mind the available covers once registered the insurance.

    The general and particular conditions of the MAPFRE Aircraft insurance establish some requirements and restrictions, as the following:

    • It is an insurance set aside to cover the costs of the damages suffered by an aircraft piloted by the insured, whether or not in his / her property.
    • The company has no duty to cover damages that exceed the limit established by the company, $10,000,000.
    • Means of transportation that are not listed in the general conditions of the policy are excluded.
    • We will not cover damages intentionally caused by the insured, as well as the compensations aimed to defraud to the company.
    • MAPFRE has no duty to cover damages caused outside the validity period of the company.

      MAPFRE offers a series of recommendations for use to the policyholders in order to enjoy the benefits and advantages of the policy and to know at any moment the available covers. 

      Before contracting the MAPFRE Aircraft policy: 

      • Before contracting the Aircraft policy, users must read carefully the general and particular provisions of the policy. 

      Once contracted the MAPFRE Aircraft policy: 

      • Policyholders will enjoy the coverages, benefits and advantages of the insurance since the agreement is effective and during the validity period. 
      • The Aircraft policy is intended solely to protect mishaps related with the air transport. 
      • In case of an event covered by the policy, you must contact us without delay and provide us all the available information related with it. 
      • Policyholders should take into account that the company will not pay for claims not included in the general or particular conditions of each coverage.

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