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Home 5 Property and Contingency Insurances 5 Personal Multiplan Insurance

Personal Multiplan Insurance


It offers you a broad array of coverages for your convenience, tranquility, and security,all under the same policy.​

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Personal Multiplan

Because we know that the most important thing is your family’s peace of mind in all aspects, MAPFRE offers you our broadest Personal Multiplan policy.

Personal Multiplan is a policy designed to accommodate your personal needs providing you with total protection with the most competitive prices and the widest array of possibilities within the insurance market in Puerto Rico.

In addition to allowing you to better manage your insurance, having a single policy offers you the advantage of benefitting from important discounts (up to 20%).

Personal Multiplan provides you with:

  • Protection your car
    Damages to your vehicle and damages to third persons (bodily injuries or damages to property).
  • Property Protection
    Protection of the structure and your personal belonging, among others, from the dangers of fire, lightning, hurricane, earthquake, vandalism, water overflow, etc.
  • Personal Liability
    For claims or judicial lawsuits for damages to third parties caused by an accident where you are legally liable.
  • Yacht
    Direct and accidental losses to your vessel and your trailer, and your personal belonging in the vessel.
  • Umbrella

    Maximum Public Liability coverage. The best insurance product in the market with all the protection for you, because you deserve it. 

  • Pet insurance

    Protect your dog or cat against damages due to accident, accidental death, theft, search expenses, euthanasia, and disposal of the body, lodging in the event that the owner is hospitalized, among other benefits that you may encounter under the MAPFRE PET menu. 

  • Home Assistance

    24 hour Home Assistance for emergency plumbing, locksmith, electricity, and glass situations. 

  • Roadside Asisstance

    24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Roadside Assistance in Puerto Rico. 

In addition, MAPFRE’s Personal Multiplan offers additional coverages, such as: content, jewelry theft, business property on residential premises, flood, identity theft, other structures, accidental death and refrigerated property.
Quote your Personal Multiplan policy now!

For more information, please see our brochure or call MAPFRE Contact Center at 787-250-5214 or 1-888-835-3436 (island).

Click here in order to obtain the hurricane map.

Click here in order to obtain the Action guide against earthquakes. 

Property and Contingency Services for my Personal Insurance

Check the services related to Property and Contingency insurance offered by MAPFRE PUERTO RICO.

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