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Pet Insurances


This will protect you for the most common expenses you may incur so that your dog or cat can be safe and sound.

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At MAPFRE PUERTO RICO, we know how important pets are to our families. This is why we have created a policy that will give you peace of mind by covering one of your most cherished belongings: your pet.

For the first time in Puerto Rico, a company with the experience and solidity of MAPFRE has developed a product specially designed to protect your pet.

MAPFRE PET will protect you for the most common expenses you may incur so that dog or cat can be safe and sound. The following are some of the advantages offered by this coverage:

  • Accidental Damages

    Reimburses veterinarian expenses incurred as a result of an accident or injury suffered by the animal during the policy’s one-year period. 

  • Accidental death

    Compensates the cost of a puppy of similar features as the covered animal in the event of accidental death. 

  • Theft

    Reimburses 80% of the cost of a puppy of similar features as the covered animal in the event of the loss of the animal. 

  • Search-related expenses

    Reimburses the expenses incurred in the search to recover the animal. 

  • Euthanasia and disposal of the body

    Applicable if death was caused due to an accident, old age, or incurable disease. 

  • Boarding in a canine o feline center

    Reimbursement in the event the owner is hospitalized. 

  • Selection of a veterinarian of preference

    The veterinarian may be freely selectable. 

  • Automatic discount

    A 10% discount off of the premium may be offered for animals duly registered or identified with a Microchip. 

MAPFRE PET is an individual policy, which could also include as an additional cover by endorsement on the Personal Multiplan policy, giving you the flexibility to protect your dog or cat under three differente plans when insuring your property. Thus, you have the advantage of being able to also include the property, the car, the boat and your libaility , together with your pet in the same policy.

For more information, please see our brochure.

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