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Home 5 Vehicle diagnosis

Vehicle Diagnosis


To detect quickly possible mechanical or electrical failures.

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We have a modern vehicle fully equipped to provide you with a technical inspection, windshield repair, and restoration of lights. These services are entirely free for our policyholders.

  • Engine level verification:
    • Transmission.
    • Brakes.
    • Cooling System.
    • Wipers.
    • Various others.
  • Verification of the condition of the vehicle tires.
  • Ensure that the height of the beams and/or lights is correct.
  • Verification with scanner, the most recent and novel OTC Genisys. It contains cartridges to cover all vehicles from year 1980 onward. The system covers:
    • Motor Computer (PCM).
    • ABS Brakes, air bags (SIR).
    • Body control modules (BCM/BFC).
    • Electronic suspension.
    • Electronic transmissions.
    • Automatic speed control (Cruise Control).
    • Doors, driver’s seat.
    • Battery.
    • Electronic shut-offs.
    • Vehicle sensors. Covers OBD-I and OBD-II systems and many more functions.
    • Light Restoration. Since over the years vehicle lights become opaque and, as a result of that, the intensity of the light they project diminishes, which is a potential hazard especially when driving at night. One of the innovative services we have incorporated into the Mobile Unit is the restoration of these lights, to bring back their original characteristics just like when they came out of the factory.
  • Glass Repair. A broken windshield can produce solar light reflections, which can turn into a hazard and pose a high risk of having an accident. We have installed a new windshield repair service for our policyholders, and this service is also entirely free for our policyholders with automobile insurance.

We issue a report with the findings identified so that you can visit your usual workshop to correct them. This modern unit travels throughout the island at your service. Should you wish to avail yourself of this free service, contact us at MAPFRE Contact Center.

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