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Home 5 About us 5 Fundación MAPFRE seeks innovators with impact projects to transform society

Fundación MAPFRE seeks innovators with impact projects to transform society

Announces the II Edition of the Awards for Social Innovation

  • They are convened in Europe and Latin America and in three categories: mobility and road safety; e-health; and Insurtech.
  • The winners will receive 30,000 euros and the semifinalists and finalists, training in skills, advice and visibility before potential investors..
  • The call begins on December 15 and ends on January 31.

For the second consecutive year, Fundación MAPFRE promotes social innovation to identify those innovative projects with a high capacity for social transformation and global impact, with solutions applicable to most regions of the planet to improve people’s lives.

This initiative, which Fundación MAPFRE carries out in collaboration with the IE Business School, also aims to promote creativity, entrepreneurship and leadership as tools to achieve a more just world. Also to promote values ​​such as sustainability, equality and integration, and train young people in skills that allow them to develop their projects effectively and prepare them to be protagonists of social change.


Researchers, entrepreneurs, scientists and students from universities and business schools will be able to present papers focused on three objectives: improving the mobility and safety of the most vulnerable groups, such as pedestrians and cyclists, and helping to reduce the impact of pollution in cities ; promote a culture of health, promote healthy behaviors and help change habits that are not healthy; and disseminating and transmitting the social function of insurance and its prominent role in the economy through projects that provide innovative solutions to specific situations such as retirement, that promote the culture of savings and social welfare and bring the insurance activity closer to the citizen.


The awards are launched in three major regions, Brazil, the rest of Latin America and Europe, where the 27 semifinalists will be classified, that is, three applicants for each of the three categories and for each of the regions. The semifinals will take place between June and July in the reference countries, where one candidate will be classified by category who will participate in the grand final in Madrid, to be held on October 10.


The winners will receive a prize with an individual endowment of 30,000 euros and the semifinalists and finalists will enjoy different channels of promotion of their projects, which will help them to become known. In this line, they will receive support, guidance and help to communicate and develop their proposals in the most effective way through mentoring for semifinalists and coaching for finalists. They will also have the opportunity to be part of a public relations plan and receive great visibility with potential investors.


Generate innovative ideas in a collaborative way and propose alternatives to solve and promote them thanks to the exchange of specialized knowledge and the mutual support of innovators from around the world. It is the objective of the Innova Network, a private community of social innovators made up of the 27 semifinalists of the first edition of these awards, which Fundación MAPFRE launches as the main novelty of this second call.

Those interested can present their projects from December 15, 2018 to January 31, 2019 at: