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Home 5 About us 5 News 5 20th Edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Awards

20th Edition of the Fundación MAPFRE Awards

The Foundation has launched these international awards that reward the effort that people and institutions make every day to improve the world in which we live. The deadline for entries is March 1.

Fundación MAPFRE has launched the 20th edition of its 2015 Awards which reward the commitment of people and institutions that have made outstanding contributions to society in the fields of science, culture and the humanities.

The awards, which are international and come with a cash prize of 30,000 euros each, are granted in five categories:

«Lifetime Achievement Award (José Manuel Martínez)». This recognizes a rich and exemplary professional trajectory at the service of people and society. To receive this award, the jury will take into account the candidate’s generous commitment to his/her professional activity and how society has benefited from this activity.

«Award for the Best Health Promotion Initiative». This awards an important contribution made by institutions or people to promoting health and improving quality of life. Those organizations that have made real progress in reducing morbidity or damage to health will be highly valued, as well as innovation and the originality of the initiative.

«Award for the Best Social Action Initiative». This is intended to reward the merits of a person or organization which have taken relevant steps to improve the integration and quality of life of disadvantaged social groups, as well as to help them to overcome physical, financial or social limitations.

“Award for the Best Accident Prevention and Road Safety Initiative». This is granted to organizations or people who have significantly contributed to the effective prevention and reduction of traffic, domestic, sports-related or leisure activity accidents. The jury will evaluate the achievements in mitigating the harmful consequences of accidents and the ability for the action to be transferred to other countries or regions.

«International Insurance Award (Julio Castelo Matrán)». For the first time, this award, which the Foundation has awarded every two years for the last 14 years, is part of the Fundación MAPFRE Awards. The award honors relevant contributions from people or institutions who have contributed to improving the knowledge and social perception of insurance by means of innovation, research, training and the improvement of services related with the insurance activity.

The deadline for entries for these awards is March 1. Entries may be sent in English, Spanish or Portuguese by the candidates themselves or other individuals or public/private institutions.

The winners of the last edition, in which over 450 entries were received from Spain, Portugal and Latin America, were the tenor Plácido Domingo (Lifetime Achievement), the Spanish foundation Colores de Calcuta (Best Social Action Initiative), Cardiac Risk in the Young (Best Health Promotion Initiative) and Youth for Road Safety (Best Accident Prevention and Road Safety Initiative).